How to use the tra86 Scripts.
As mentioned earlier, the tra86 toolchain is divided into two main parts: the Tracer and the Analyzer. In its current version, the operation for both is pretty barebones. Here's what a test run looks like.
- We have a C++/Rust source code file.
- We use either clang or rustc to get the assembly output.
- Once we have the assembly output, we assemble it into an object passing debugging flags.
- We invoke the linker to link header files into this object, creating an executable.
- We invoke GDB, stage this executable, and attach the Python Tracer script. The script takes over, stepping into each instruction and executing the program through GDB, and recording the relevant instruction + metadata into a new file. Once the script is attached, the process is completely automated.
- Once the execution ends, the user can check the trace file generated. Another python script, the analyzer, can take this trace file as an input, and give relevant performance data.
Tracer Instructions
The instructions to compile a C++ source and a RUST source differ. However, staging them on GDB and attaching the Python script is the same.
RUST Instructions
is the name of the file. Note: these set of commands only work on an x86 architecture machine.
$ rustc --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --emit=asm -o main.s
$ as -o main.o main.s
$ clang ~/.rustup/toolchains/*/lib/libstd-*.so main.o -g -o test-rust
C++ Instructions
Assuming main.cpp
is the name of the file
$ clang++ -S -o main.s main.cpp # Step 1: Generate assembly with debugging info
$ clang++ -g -o test-cpp main.s # Step 2: Assemble and link with debugging info
Since clang++
is the default compiler for C++, the linking is done automatically. However, linking for RUST has to be done in an extra manual step, since rustc
does not support intermediate compiling as described above.
Read this StackOverflow Post for more insights 😃
Tracer Script Instructions
The following is the Python script for the tracer. We assume it's named
for the following instructions.
import gdb
import time
# Define the file path where you want to save the log
log_file_path = "./gdb_asm.txt"
# Define the maximum time to wait in seconds before switching to "ni"
max_stuck_time = 10 # Adjust this value as needed
si = 0
max_si = 500
def log_asm_event(event):
pc = int(gdb.parse_and_eval("$pc"))
instruction = gdb.execute("x/i " + hex(pc), to_string=True)
with open(log_file_path, "a") as log_file:
log_file.write(f"{hex(pc)}: {instruction}\n")
# Connect the stop event to the log_asm_event function
# Initialize timer
start_time = time.time()
# Stepping through the program continuously until it terminates
while True:
if si < max_si:
si += 1
elif start_time > max_stuck_time:
# Reset timer if execution is not stuck
start_time = time.time()
si = 0
time.sleep(0.001) # Add a small delay to avoid consuming too much CPU
Once we have this in the same directory, here are the instructions.
$ gdb ./test-cpp
(gdb)$ b main
(gdb)$ run
(gdb)$ source ./
Sometimes, if the script gets stuck, si
can be done manually. The script will continue to record information (instructions + metadata) as you go manually.
The script can also be modified to only do ni (next instruction), if we do not want to trace header files/dependencies/other user files in the codebase. Or the automation can also be completely disabled, with just the functionality to record the instruction + metadata.
Analyzer Instructions
The analyzer is another simple Python script.
x86 Assembly Tracer: Analyzation Part
Kushagra Srivastava (
The following Python Code Analyzes the Trace Inputs
from the PyGDB Program in this repository.
import math
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sys
class clockCycles:
def __init__(self):
self.cycleHash = {
"mov": 1,
"push": 2,
"pop": 3,
"cltq": 1,
"cdqe": 1,
"cwd": 1,
"cdq": 1,
"cqo": 1,
"pushf": 4,
"popf": 4,
"movl": 2,
"add": 3,
"addl": 3,
"addq": 3,
"sub": 3,
"subl": 3,
"subq": 3,
"and": 3,
"or": 3,
"xor": 3,
"adc": 1,
"sbb": 2,
"cmp": 2,
"no_jmp": 2, # No Jump is just a compare
"cmpq": 3,
"inc": 1,
"dec": 1,
"neg": 1,
"not": 1,
"div": 17,
"idiv": 17,
"jmp": 3,
"jmpq": 4,
"jns": 4,
"call": 3,
"jne": 5,
"jge": 5,
"je": 4,
"jl": 4,
"jb": 4,
"jbe": 4,
"js": 4,
"ja": 4,
"jg": 4,
"retn": 3,
"retq": 3,
"retf": 4,
"ret": 2,
"bnd": 2,
"loop": 5,
"wait": 5,
"callq": 4,
"cmpl": 3,
"cmpxchg": 3,
"cmpb": 3,
"lea": 1,
"endbr64": 2,
"orq": 1,
"test": 2,
"testq": 2,
"testb": 2,
"testl": 2,
"move": 2,
"cmove": 2,
"movzwl": 3,
"movzbl": 3,
"movq": 3,
"movzx": 3,
"movsx": 3,
"lds": 4,
"les": 4,
"lfs": 4,
"lgs": 4,
"lss": 4,
"nop": 1,
"nopw": 1,
"nopl": 1,
"xchg": 3,
"xlat": 4,
"pushf": 4,
"popf": 5,
"pusha": 5,
"popa": 5,
"pushad": 5,
"popad": 5,
"pushq": 5,
"popq": 5,
"mul": 11,
"imul": 11,
"cbw": 3,
"cwde": 3,
"shr": 1,
"shl": 1,
"sar": 1,
"sal": 1,
"wait": 1,
"leave": 3,
"leaveq": 3,
"punpcklqdq": 1,
"set": 1,
"setne": 1,
"setcc": 1,
"cmova": 2,
"cmov": 2,
"cmovcc": 2,
"syscall": 2,
"movups": 4,
"orl": 1,
def getCycle(self, command):
if command not in self.cycleHash.keys():
print(f"Unknown Command {command}, big oopsie")
return 0
return self.cycleHash[command]
class inst:
def __init__(self):
self.instructions = {}
self.debugger = []
self.cycleInstructions = {}
self.numOperations = 0
self.totalCycles = 0
self.totalLines = 0
self.jmpInQuestion = False
self.lastJmpLocation = 0
self.typeOfJmp = "jmp"
def add(self, line):
if line != '\n':
lineParts = line.split()
if len(lineParts) >= 5:
if lineParts[4] not in self.instructions:
self.instructions[lineParts[4]] = 0
if lineParts[4] == "jg" or lineParts[4] == "jge" or lineParts[4] == "jg" or lineParts[4] == "jle" or lineParts[4] == "jne" or lineParts[4] == "jl":
self.jmpInQuestion = True
self.lastJmpLocation = lineParts[6]
self.typeOfJmp = lineParts[4]
if self.jmpInQuestion == True:
if ''.join([c for c in lineParts[3] if c != ':']) == self.lastJmpLocation:
self.instructions[self.typeOfJmp] += 1
self.jmpInQuestion = False
if "no_jmp" not in self.instructions:
self.instructions["no_jmp"] = 0
self.instructions["no_jmp"] += 1
self.jmpInQuestion = False
self.instructions[lineParts[4]] += 1
self.numOperations += 1
if lineParts[len(lineParts) - 1] not in self.instructions:
self.instructions[lineParts[len(lineParts) - 1]] = 0
self.instructions[lineParts[len(lineParts) - 1]] += 1
def printDebug(self):
print(f"Wow you printed {self.instructions}")
def analyzeTraces(self, trace_file):
hasher = clockCycles()
for oneInst in self.instructions.keys():
curCycle = hasher.getCycle(oneInst)
self.totalCycles += curCycle * self.instructions[oneInst]
self.cycleInstructions[oneInst] = curCycle * self.instructions[oneInst]
self.totalLines += self.instructions[oneInst]
print(f"Statistics for {trace_file}")
print(f"Clock Cycles: {self.totalCycles}")
print(f"Number of lines exec: {self.totalLines}")
print(f"Number of different asm operations: {len(self.instructions.keys())}")
cpi = self.totalCycles / self.totalLines if self.totalLines > 0 else 0
print(f"Cycles Per Instruction: {cpi}")
print(f"Breakdown of each instruction:")
print("Instruction | Number of times | Cycles")
for oneInst in self.instructions.keys():
print(f"{oneInst} | {self.instructions[oneInst]} | {self.cycleInstructions[oneInst]}")
if "no_jmp" in self.instructions:
print("Note: In the above table, if a jmp with compare was made (e.g., jge), but that jmp did not occur, we denote it as no_jmp with 2 clock cycles (Source: Agner Fog)")
def main(curInst, trace_files):
for trace in trace_files:
with open(trace, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
curInst = inst()
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Usage: python3 analyzer <TRACE FILES>")
curInst = inst()
trace_files = sys.argv[1:]
main(curInst, trace_files)
(Clock cycle data taken from IA32 and IA64 reference manual for a Intel Pentium Processor).
Assuming your trace file is named
$ python3 analyzer
The analyzer can also analyze multiple trace files (if the above script was used to analyze multiple programs, source code, etc.)